Norik (Neria) Fatakhov
Mar 02, 1944 - Nov 23, 2022
29 Heshvan 5783

With great sorrow and pain in our hearts, we announce that on November 23, 2022, our dear and beloved husband, father, brother, and grandfather, Norik (Nerya) Ben Freho and Ari, passed away.
Fatakhov Norik was born in Kokand in 1944 to the family of the well-known lawyer Ari Fatakhov and his wife Freho Zaurova, who were renowned in the Kokand region. The family had four sons and a daughter, with Norik being the fourth and youngest among the brothers. After his service in the Soviet Army, he graduated from the Chymkent Polytechnic Institute and later from the Fergana Polytechnic Institute, specializing as a civil engineer. After working in managerial positions in industrial enterprises in Kokand for many years, in 1979, Norik moved with his family to Dushanbe, where he found employment with the Tajik Republican Council for Resort Management. There, he served as the head of supplies until his departure to Israel in 1990.
In Israel, despite the challenges of repatriation, he pursued further studies, had his degree validated, and worked as a civil engineer in various construction organizations until his retirement. Together with his wife, Mira Basanilova, they lived in peace and harmony for 51 years, raising two children: Slava and Tanya, and four grandchildren.
Norik was always a very positive, active, and life-loving person. He was devoted to his family, loved and supported his relatives and friends. He was highly respected among all who knew him and had the ability to see the positive aspects in everything. He loved to travel and valued life, and he managed to live it fully and honorably.
Your memory, your love, and your personal example will forever remain in our memories and in our hearts.
You lived your life with dignity,
Leaving us with a lasting memory,
Sleep peacefully in the silent world,
Our beloved person.
Deeply mourning: wife Mira, children Slava and Tanya and their families, brother Yakov, relatives, and close ones.
Менухато бе ган эден