Iosif Fatakhov
Nov 11, 1935 - Jul 15, 2016
9 Tammuz 5776

July 15, 2016 heart stopped beating, distinguished and one of a kind, living a full life - Son - Father - Brother - Friend - Husband – Iosif Fatakhov
Iosif Fatakhov was born November 11, 1935 in Kokand (Uzbekistan) in a large family to known lawyer Ari Fatahov and Frekho daughter of Ibragimboy - one of the most respected and wealthy people of the Ferghana Valley.
Since childhood, Iosif was different from all other children. He had great diligence, curiosity, thirst for knowledge, and artistic restlessness. His independent life began very early on, even in the postwar period. Already by the age of 13, years he had himself entered the Fergana trade school, and he earned his living by working as a metal worker at the factory. Being an active participant in public life and the secretary of the Komsomol organization, in a few years he entered the Moscow Institute of Food Industry (specialization - industrial machinery and equipment for the production of wine), by receiving a voucher from the plant.
Life in Moscow was very hard but Iosif did not lose heart, he studied and worked as a mechanic in parallel in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. Iosif Simply loved Italian opera and was very fond of music. He played several musical instruments. And named their children after famous Italian artists.
In 1964 in Moscow he met his destiny - Alla Yadgarova – daughter of very well-known Michael and Tamara Babayeva who where well respected in the Bukharian Jewish community. In her he found a lifelong companion who had everything he was looking for - mind, beauty, intelligence and musicality. Together they spent more than 50 years. In the late 60-ies of Iosif's family with two children moved to Dushanbe, where he was promoted to deputy director of the Dushanbe winery.
Living far away from family and friends, he did not for one minute forget about them. Working on solid positions and having extensive contacts, he moved all his brothers, sisters and their families from Kokand in Dushanbe, secured them housing and jobs when they arrived.
His whole life was a struggle for survival. He was never afraid of any work. His main motto was: "the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing." After moving to Israel in 1991 due to the outbreak of civil war in Dushanbe he had lost his health and all that has been acquired over a lifetime. Even after all of that, he still showed up to work the very next day, positive and cheerful.
Good and very sociable, always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone, even a stranger. Spontaneous and very creative. The soul of any company, he was a self made man. All the brothers, sisters, nephews, grandchildren, and of course the kids, loved him. He remained surrounded by friends, family and loved ones until his last day.
A cruel illness took him before his time. The memory of him will always be in our hearts. May the earth be gentle to you, and may your soul rest in paradise.
So much of ours went with you,
So much of yours remains with us.
One star became less on earth.
One star became more in the sky.
Cemetery address
Ты всегда в моём сердце!
Покойся с миром
Rest of Piece
For my Dad
Светлая память о моем дяде
. Will remember you forever . Amin
В память о любимом дяде Иосифе
Rakhama Kune
zikhrona lebrakha
- О как мне хочется собрать Вас в кучку - И сильно Вас всех обнять! - Иосиф Фатахов - Когда теряешь дорогих тебе людей, - Такое чуство будто жизнь оборвалась - Печаль утраты омрачила жизнь - И боль потери осталась навсегда. - Такие раны никогда не заживают, - Не исчезают просто без следа. - Мы верим в то, что ты уже в раю - Там место заслужил ты добрыми делами - И Ты не скажешь нам больше хорошего слова, - И не украсишь присутствием нашу семью, - И пожелать не сможешь нам больше любви и здоровья, - И, как прежне не скажешь что я Вас Люблю! Мы счастливы, что жили в твою Эпоху! Наш любимый, незабываемый и не повторимый Иосиф Ариевич Фатахов Скорбим и любим Кандиновы Фатаховы Гримм Кимьягаровы 07/15/2016
יהיה זכרו ברוך
Светлая память светлому человеку!
I so sorry for your loss. He was a real gentleman. I remember his smile and warm hugs. Person with a large soul and strong sprit. It is a real loss for al of us. RIP
Мир праху твоему! Сил и мудрости родным и близким.
Папа прости!