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Tamara Babaeva

Feb 24, 1917 - Feb 24, 1997

17 Adar I 5757

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The bright memory of our dear and beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother

February 24, 1997 Tamara Rahavionovna Babayeva passed away on her 80th birthday. She was born Feb. 24, 1917 in the city of Fergana. Tamara Rahavionovna was the great-granddaughter of Baruch Singer Kalhoka ( "kalhok - warbler), and known among Bukhara Jews sage Sulaimonov Ochildieva. Tamara Babayeva was an extraordinary woman. She was incredibly artistic and gifted. She brought perfection to everything she laid her hands on. She embroidered, sewed, painted, baked, sculpted, and gardened. Tamara Babayeva was one of the first Bukharian Jews of Fergana who completed college and received a degree in education and devoted a lifetime to child-rearing. During WWII, she was the head of a kindergarten and took care of children who were orphans left without parents. She took evacuated children and families into her home with no hesitation, these families were forever grateful. After a long and arduous struggle with the local bureaucracy, Tamara Babayeva succeeded in getting permission for a building permit for a very unique project in the city of Ferghana. It was a sanatorium type kindergarten, which became a model and the pride of Uzbekistan! Now it is open to tourists for viewing. For her achievements Tamara received many awards and medals, she was awarded the title Honorary Teacher and by the time of her retirement she received the title of Personal Pensioners. We, her children and grandchildren will never forget her great love and dedication to us and to all who surrounded her. She was infinitely loyal, honest and the true rock of the family. She was able to cultivate in her children and each of her students the best of human qualities, giving them the opportunity to grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Tamara gave everyone a sense of love and the understanding of friendship and responsibility. She will forever remain in our hearts.


Когда человек умирает,
Как на небе гаснет звезда.
И небо о ней забывает,
А люди о нём – никогда.

Когда человек умирает,
Прощаясь со всем, что любил,
Он в сердце у нас оставляет
Часть фразы, что раз обронил.

Когда человек умирает,
Над миром пустынным вовек
Хранитель беззвучно рыдает,
Что умер святой человек.

Kids:Alla-Iosef, Nelya-Boris,grand kids:Enic, Arthur-Luisa, David, Janet, grand grand kids: Eitan, Itamar, Linoy, Ran, Andrey


I love you always and will never forget all you did for us and the love you gave me and what you taught me.

Zhanna, United States Feb, 26 2024


Itamar Patek, United States Feb, 25 2024

Помним нашу дорогую т.Тамару.Вечная ей память.

Элла хаимова, Россия Nov, 08 2014

Mehuhata be gan eden

enrico, Россия Sep, 28 2014

Zihrona licraha

enrico, Estados Unidos Apr, 16 2013

Илиль Нищмат Тамар бат Ривко

Enrico, Estados Unidos Feb, 19 2013


Timur, Україна Jun, 18 2012


л.в., Україна Apr, 11 2012

Пусть земля тебе будет пухом! Всегда помним о тебе. Эник

Enrico, Estados Unidos Apr, 20 2011

remember frever

enrico, Україна May, 23 2010

Praying for being with you, for our love will never be finished.

I, Қазақстан Mar, 08 2010

Вечная память

Enrico, United States Sep, 02 2009

Царство тебе небесное!

Enrico, United States Jul, 10 2009

Вечная память нашей любимой тете

Лора и Юра, United States Jun, 17 2009

Ilya, United States Jun, 17 2009

царство тебе небесное

ep, Россия Jun, 15 2009

Когда человек умирает, Над миром пустынным вовек Хранитель беззвучно рыдает, Что умер святой человек.

enrico, United States Jun, 06 2009


Алексей, Россия May, 25 2009

Память о тебе навсгда сохраниться в наших сердцах

энрико, Россия May, 23 2009

This is my message

Alex, România May, 22 2009

Помним и скорбим!!!

Aлексей, United States May, 21 2009