Sarah Kaylyakova
Jan 22, 1932 - Nov 06, 2022
13 Heshvan 5783

In Loving Memory of Sarah Kaylyakova, Bat Mazal
On November 6th (13th of Heshvan) in 2022, at 91, our dear, beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother Sarah Kaylyakova left this world.
She was born in Tashkent on January 22nd, 1932, into a religious and esteemed family, the daughter of Nisim and Mazal Mordukhaev. Mama was the second of five sisters and one brother (Istam, Sara, Raya, Lyuba, and little brother Yura).
1941, the Great Patriotic War erupted, and her father, Nisim, was called to the front. At that time, our mother was just nine years old and forced to leave school and work to help her mother and her younger sisters.
A year later, their father, Nisim, returned from the war with injuries. Several years passed, and Sara completed beauty master courses, working for a long time in the public service sector in Tashkent.
In 1952, she united her destiny with our father, Boris Kaylyakov. The Almighty blessed them with three children: a son and two daughters.
Our parents created a beautiful, strong Bukharian-Jewish family, living in love and harmony for over 53 years, striving to do everything possible for the prosperity of their children's families. They experienced great joy, celebrating our wonderful and cheerful weddings, providing each of us with a proper upbringing and education, and instilling in us the divine spark of parental hearts.
In our parents' home, there was always comfort, abundance, and joy. Mama was a wonderful, hospitable homemaker, a kind-hearted, positive, and open-hearted person.
It was always pleasant to converse with her; people left her company content, as she always offered excellent and sound advice, supported everyone, and instilled hope and faith in the future.
In 1979, our parents immigrated to America with their son, Yakov, and daughter-in-law, Nina, to whom Mama related as a beloved daughter. Over the years, this friendship only grew stronger. Living in New York, our mother did not sit idle. Together with our father, she strived to help her children and raise her beloved grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Unfortunately, in 2005, our beloved father, Boris, departed to another world due to a cunning illness. Mama grieved deeply, losing her faithful friend and husband. Mama was a brilliant, kind, honest, and devoted wife. She was a wonderful mother and a fantastic grandmother and great-grandmother. Mama was an eshet chayil, a keeper of Shabbat, observing all Jewish laws and traditions.
All her grandchildren found themselves in the sphere of Jewish religion. The eldest grandson, Shimon, and his brother Ruben dedicated themselves to serving Hashem and, in memory of their grandfather Boris, organized the website Torahanytime.com which enjoys great success worldwide. Thanks to this site, thousands of people have found answers to their questions and path to God. Her grandson, Israel Kaylyakov, is a rabbi and teaches at the "Shaarey Zion" yeshiva.
Our home was always open to all relatives and dear people. Our mother, Sara, was always surrounded by great attention from her children and grandchildren. During her illness, they all did their utmost to help her overcome this ailment. She passed away quietly in the arms of her beloved granddaughter, Rita.
Mama lived a long, dignified, multifaceted life, leaving a profound mark in the memory of all relatives and dear people. She also left behind worthy children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who will continue her good deeds.
The bright memory of our beloved mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother will forever remain in our hearts.
We miss you, Mom!...
The wounds on our hearts are still fresh,
And the pain of loss hasn't passed...
We miss you, Mom!
We want you to be alive!
We know you haven't died,
You're always somewhere nearby...
We can't see you, where are you, Mom?
We call for you, like we did in childhood,
But you no longer hear us.
How much we miss you!
We feel bad, Mom, can you hear us?
You're far away, you left suddenly
To a place where the world is entirely different,
Where eternity and peace await us.
We don't believe it, we cry and mourn,
We shout, we call: "Don't go away!"
But in the silence, we whisper to God:
"Please, bring her back!"
You're far away, but you're also close,
We feel your warmth.
As if you gently whispered:
"Everything will be fine, my children!"
Rest in Gan Eden
Deeply grieving: Jacob and Nina, Tamara and Slava, Lyuda and Boris, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sister Raya, brother Yuri, relatives, and close ones.
New York, Israel, Atlanta.